The Depths of Overcoming

I just recently started a new series called, “The Depths of Overcoming”. I wanted to take the time to explain in more detail what this series really means to me. I have mentioned in previous blog posts and on social media that I struggle with mental illness. I have been diagnosed with five different mental illnesses. In the past 11 years, I have been on a very long and challenging journey of healing. Art has helped me heal so much and truly has uncovered some deep insecurities and lies that I have believed about myself.

I have overcome so much and have received so much healing in the last couple of years. I wanted to do a series to celebrate this overcoming, but also to shed some light on mental illness and overall mental health. Recently, mental health has become a bigger conversation in the United States and furthermore the world, but I still believe that there is a lot of misunderstanding and stigma around mental illness.

This series may make some people uncomfortable or may trigger some negative memories or experiences, but my heart behind, the depths of overcoming, is to educate. As well as to bring healing and joy to those who have experienced mental illness in some way whether it be personally or through a family member or friend.

 The main subject matter of this series is ballerinas. I also am pairing the ballerinas with some subject matter that has been in previous series of mine, which I elevates the work and provides another dimension of story telling. I chose ballerinas because I believe they are so graceful and elegant and at the same time powerful and strong. Each ballerina will represent a different overcoming of a battle or healing process of some type of mental illness. The way that ballerina is positioned, the color used in the painting, and the other subject matter accompanying the ballerina will all have symbolic meaning behind it.

 I encourage you to dive deep into this series. Let yourself feel all the emotions surrounding it. Immerse yourself into the painting and into the healing process. My hope is that you will read and cherish the poetry that accompanies each piece. The poetry will also give you a deeper look into what overcoming I feel the painting is depicting.

 I know mental illness is a very hard topic for most people to understand or even talk about. I also know that when we engage in wholehearted, vulnerable, and authentic conversation in a safe and appropriate manner that it can be very healing and eye opening. This may be uncomfortable for you, but I challenge you to ask yourself the question of why it makes you so uncomfortable. You may realize there is something deeper. My hope is that this series will bring you joy and healing in some way and that you would know that no matter where you are in life or your journey: You are loved. Your past doesn’t define you. There is hope for healing. We are all on different journeys, but let these journeys be filled with hope.